
ECE 5160 Fast robot

Yi Wang · yw2586 ·

Basic describtion for the course.

Lab 1 - Part 1 The Artemis board

Task 1: Blink LED

The basic “Blink” example is used to test the LED on the module and make sure that the code can be correctly uploaded to the board. The “Blink” code first sets the pin connected to the LED to HIGH for one second, and then sets the pin to LOW for another second. These two processes are repeated in a loop to achieve the blinking effect.

Task 2: Serial Communication

The “Example4_Serial” code is used to test the serial communication between the computer and the Artemis board. In the following example, the Artemis board first sends a counting test to the serial monitor through UART communication. Then, it allows the user to send a string from the computer, and the Artemis board can echo whatever that was sent to the serial monitor. This showcast that serial communication is correctly set up between the computer and the Artemis module.

Task 3: Temperature Sensor

The “Example02_AnalogRead' code is used to test the temperature sensor on the Artemis board. The example code uses a function ‘analogReadTemp()’ to obtain the raw ADC counts from the temperature sensor and send the data to the serial monitor. To better visualize the measurements, the temperatures are computed as Fahrenheit degrees and are printed on a serial plotter.

Task 4: Microphone Output

The “Exampel1_MicrophoneOutput” code is used to test that the pulse density microphone on the Artemis board can correctly measure the frequency of the voice in the environment. In the following video, a tone is produced that plays from low to high frequencies. It can be observed that the frequency of the environmental voice that was printed on the serial monitor gradually increases and can match with the frequency of the tone that was being played.

Additional Task: Blink with note “A”

A program is built based on task 4 that can turn on the LED on the Artemis board when the note “A” is being played. Firstly, the frequency of note “A” should be measured to identify a proper frequency range when the LED should be lighted. Then, set the LED pin to HIGH if the detected loudest frequency is within that range, and set the LED pin to LOW otherwise.

Lab 1 - Part 2 Bluetooth

Task 1: ECHO command

The ECHO command can be used to test the bluetooth communication between the host computer and the Artemis board. A class “enum” is defined that stores all the commands that are to be communicated between the computer and the Artemis board. By sending the ECHO command with a character string from the computer, the board can receive the string and echo it back to the computer.

Task 2: Get time string

The “GET_TIME_MILLIS” command is used to return the time in milliseconds from the Artemis board. The millis() function is used to obtain the current time and is appended to a string and sent to the computer.

Task 3: Notification Handler

A notification handler is declared to automatically collect data whenever a certain type of string characteristic is detected. ‘RX_STRING’ is the string characteristic that is being used for communication, and the notification handler can be started by “ble.start_notify(ble.uuid[‘RX_STRING’],notification_handler)'.

Task 4: Data transfer rate

A “COLLECT_and_SEND_1s” command is declared that can collect a time stamp and transmit the time stamp to the computer within the same loop. The following code repeats the loop for one second, and the speed of the messages that are sent can be calculated by dividing the number of messages received to the time gap in between. As shown in the following figures, there are 25 messages sent over 605 milliseconds, and the size of the message string was measured to be 60 bytes. Therefore, the data rate is around 2479 bytes per second. And the effective data rate is around 41 float numbers per second.

Task 5: Send time stamps

A global array “time_temp_array” was declared to store a maximum of twenty time stamps. And the command “SEND_TIME_DATA” is used to loop through the array and send each stored timestamps back to the host computer as a string.

Task 6: Send temperature with time stamps

To collect temperature readings and the time when they are recorded, both the temperature and the time are stored to a global array within the same loop. The temperature readings from the Artemis board sensor can be obtained by calling the function getTempDegC().

Task 7: Discussion

The first method in Task 4 sends data to the computer each time when a timestamp is recorded. Whereas the second method in Task 5 first collects data in an array and then sends them to the computer as a package. Since the Artemis board has 384kB of RAM, the maximum number of 16-bit data it can hold is 192000 assuming that the entirety of the Artemis RAM is used to store transmission data. Therefore, the estimated time before RAM runs out is 6’24’’ if the sampling rate is 500Hz, and 32 minutes if the sampling rate is 100Hz.

Additional task 1: Effective data rate and overhead

In this task, the ECHO command is used to transmit messages with different sizes between the Artemis board and the computer. The effective data rate is 42 data per second for a 5-byte reply, and is 991 data per second for a 120-byte reply. As it can aslo be observed that the effective data rate would increase as the message size increases. This shows that short packets introduce more overhead, and larger replies can reduce overhead.

Additional task 2: Reliability

Another command is designed to test the reliability of the communication established between the Artemis board and the computer when data is being transmitted at a high rate. Through this command, the Artemis board would send both the index and the time stamp, and the delay is removed from the transmission loop. As shown in the following figure there is no index missing, thus showing that the communication at high data rate is reliable.

Lab 2 - IMU


The objective of thie lab is to obtain the accelerometer and gyroscope readings from the IMU module 'ICM-20948', and calculate pitch, roll, and yaw from the sensor readings.

Set up the IMU

Fig 1: Artemis IMU connections

The 9DoF IMU module 'ICM-20948' is hooked up to the Artemis board through a QWIIC connector. And the ICM 20948 library from SparkFun should be installed to set up the IMU in Arduino IDE. The example code “Example1_Basics” is a good demonstration of getting the accelerometer, gyroscope, and compass data from the IMU module. In the example code, the ‘AD0_VAL’ variable should be changed from 1 to 0. The ‘AD0_VAL’ represents the last bit of the I2C address in the IMU, and should be set to zero when the ADR jumper is closed. As shown in the figure below, the ADR jumper is connected on the board and the I2C communication address is 0x68.

The following screenshot shows that the example code could print out the accelerometer, gyroscope, and compass data from the IMU module.

Fig 2: Show that the IMU example code works


Pitch and roll angle of an object can be computed through the accelerometer data in x, y, and z axis. This is because the acceleration caused by gravity on these three axes would be changed when the object rolled or pitched.

Fig 3: Calculateing pitch and roll from accelerometer data

To estimate the accuracy of the accelerometer, the IMU is taped on a box and rotated to {-90, 0, 90} degrees pitch and roll. Ten sets of data were collected to calculate the average angle. The results are shown in the table below.

Table 1: Pitch and Roll measurements in different angles

There are errors in the results. It could have been caused by an uneven table or that the IMU was not taped perfectly parallel to the edges of the box. Considering that this is only a rough estimation, a two-point calibration is not used to adjust the accuracy of the accelerometer.

Frequency Spectrum Analysis

To find out how much the noise would affect the accelerometer measurement, a fourier transform could be applied to analyze the amount of noise present in high frequencies. 800 sets of data were collected within 6 seconds at a sample rate of 134.8 samples per second. The IMU was also performing some simple acceleration motions when the data was collected. The collected signals in time and frequency domains are plotted in the following figures.

Fig 4: Accelerometer signal in time domain

Fig 5: Accelerometer signal in frequency domain

The frequency spectrum shows that the magnitude of signal at frequencies less than 5Hz is much larger than that of the high frequency. To further verify the result, a low pass filter was implemented on the accelerometer data. The cutoff frequency of a LPF is typically equal to or less than half the sampling rate. This is because the sampling frequency is larger than (or equal to) twice the maximum frequency of the signal to avoid aliasing. Therefore, half of the sampling rate is a good cutoff frequency to reconstruct the signal. If the cutoff frequency is too high, the LSP is not sufficient to eliminate all the replicates of the spectrum outside the baseband. And if the cutoff frequency is too low, the signal could not be well reconstructed and its shape distorted. The equations for a digital LPF is shown below:

where SR is signal rate and fc is cutoff frequency. A comparison of the frequency spectrum between original data and the filtered data is shown below.

Fig 6: A comparison between the signal with or without low pass filter


The gyroscope could also be used to calculate the pitch, roll, and yaw of an object. Instead of returning the absolute angle like the accelerometer, the gyroscope could only measure the rate of angular change. And the angles are computed by accumulating the gyro readings with respect to time.

Several tests were conducted to determine the appropriate sampling frequency. It was discovered that higher sampling frequencies result in greater accuracy. When the sampling frequency is too low, the collected samples may not adequately track the motion of the object, particularly when it undergoes frequent changes in movement. A test was conducted where the object was pitched from 0 to 90 degrees five times. It was observed that the data sampled at 10Hz exhibited higher accuracy compared to that collected at 2Hz.

Fig 7: Sample rate: 10Hz. Pitch from 0 to 90 degrees five times

Fig 8: Sample rate: 2Hz. Pitch from 0 to 90 degrees five times

Although the gyroscope is less affected by noise, the angular data would drift overtime because they are computed based on accumulation of past data. A way to combine the advantage of these two sensors into design a complementary filter and fuse these two sensors. A parameter ‘alpha’ is used as a weighting factor to balance the data collected from the accelerometer and the gyroscope. In this example, the weight for accelerometer alpha was determined to be 0.1, this enables the drift from gyroscope to be corrected by the accelerometer.

However, since the yaw angle cannot be derived from the accelerometer, its drift cannot be corrected. As shown in the figures below, the angels measured by the gyro alone have a drift for more than 15 degrees within 60 seconds. Whereas, the pitch and roll angles measured by fused sensors did not produce any significant drift.

Fig 9: Angles measured by Gyroscope

Fig 10: Angles measured by Accelerometer and Gyroscope fused sensor


To transmit the data between the Artemis and the host computer with a higher sampling rate, a few adjustments were made. Firstly, instead of sending the data through bluetooth each time when they were collected, sampled data should be stored to separated arrays for storing timestamps, accelerometer, and gyroscope. Secondly, all the unnecessary delays and serial.print statements should be removed from the loop that collects the data. To store more arrays in limited RAM, timestamps were stored as int; accelerometer and gyroscope data were stored as floats. The following screenshot shows that 1000 sets of data were sampled and transmitted to the computer within 7.189 seconds, with a sample rate of 139.1Hz. That is, each dataset was sampled at an average of 7.189ms.

Fig 11: 1000 sets of data sampled within 7.189 seconds

However, storing 1000-datasets is not the limit for Artemis. One dataset contains one integer and 6 floats, that is 26 bytes each dataset. Assuming that up to 80% of dynamic memory in the Artemis could be used to store these arrays, a total of 307.2kB could be used (out of 384kB). Theoretically, 11815 sets of data could be stored.

Record a stunt

The robot car can move in very high speed. The remote controller features three control buttons: one for moving forward or backward, another for turning left or right, and a third button that activates the cyclone function of the robot car.

Lab 3: ToF Sensors


The objective of this lab is to connect two time-of-flight (ToF) sensors to the Artemis board and measure the distance using it.


There are two time-of-flight (ToF) sensors that will be attached to the front and side of a robot, so that the robot can collect distance measurement data from both directions. There are various things to consider before the lab, particularly the I2C sensor address, and how to connect the two ToF sensors to the Artemis board and receive transmission from them simultaneously. The I2C address of both the VL53L1X ToF sensors are the same (0x29). Therefore, we need to manually change the address of one of the sensors during setup. Consequently, the ‘XSHUNT’ pin from one of the sensors should be connected to the Artemis GPIO pin, so that the sensor could be turned off while the address of the other ToF sensor is being programmed. A wiring diagram for the connection is shown in the figure below.

Fig 1: Sketch of wiring diagram


Fig 2: ToF sensors conencted to the QWIIC breakout board

I2C Address

By connecting the ToF sensor one at a time to the Artemis, the example code ‘Wire_I2C’ can print out the I2C address of the sensor that is connected. The I2C address output is shown in the figure below. The output I2C address is 0x29, which is the same default address for the VL53L1X sensor on power-up as described in the datasheet.

Fig 3: Artemis scanning for I2C device

Sensor data measurements using different modes

The ToF sensor operates in two modes: short distance mode, with a measurement range set to 1.3 meters, and long distance mode, with a measurement range set to 4 meters. The short mode theoretically offers higher accuracy for distances under 1.3 meters, while the long mode is more susceptible to sensor noise. To confirm this, multiple measurements were taken repeatedly at distances ranging from 0.1m to 2.7m. As illustrated in the figure below, the ToF sensors were taped to a box and measured the distance from the sensors to the bookshelf.

Fig 4: Sensor data measurement

The average measurement results are depicted in the following figures. It was observed that the ToF sensor in both short and long distance modes can accurately track the actual distance. Additionally, it was noted that the sensor exhibited higher accuracy when measuring distances between 0.7m and 1.3m in both modes.

Fig 5: Measurement results in different modes

For rapidly moving robots, it's crucial that the sensor detects obstacles at longer distances and reacts promptly. Given that the long distance mode can measure up to 4 meters and was found to maintain high accuracy below 1.3 meters through experimentation, it could be more advantageous in future lab applications.

Two ToF Sensors

To receive I2C transmission from the two ToF sensors in parallel, another sensor object with class ‘SFEVL53L1X’ should be declared to differentiate the two sensors. Then we need to modify the I2C address of one of the sensors in ‘setup()’. The ‘XSHUNT’ pin from one of the ToF sensors is connected to a GPIO pin on the Artemis. It can be used to shut down the ToF sensor when changing the I2C address of another sensor using the ‘setI2CAddree()’ function. The following screenshot shows that two sensors can work in parallel.

Fig 6: Serial Output when two ToF working in parallel

ToF Sensor Speed

It is essential that the code can execute quickly, and should not wait until the ToF sensors return valid data. The following code was written to examine the maximum speed that the Artemis can execute and compare it with the period that the ToF sensor finishes a measurement.

Fig 7: Sensor speed estimation code and outputs

It was found that the Artemis takes 3 to 4 milliseconds to execute a loop, and the ToF sensor takes 56 milliseconds to finish a measurement.

Time vs. Distance

The distance data detected by the two ToF sensors should be transmitted via Bluetooth to the host computer for a duration of 5 seconds. This can be accomplished by implementing an additional Bluetooth command that, when invoked, records a set period of time-stamped ToF measurements into arrays in an interrupt manner. These measurements are then compiled into a string and sent through Bluetooth. The measurement results are depicted in the following figures.

Fig 8: ToF data sent over bluetooth

5000-level Additional Discussion about Infrared Transmission

Overall there are two types of infrared sensors: active and passive. Passive infrared sensors function by detecting the infrared radiation emitted by objects around the device, while active infrared sensors emit a light which bonus off an object and returns back to the sensor. And an active infrared sensor would use that infrared light to determine the distance of the object it hits. Passive infrared sensors consume less power and produce less noise, and they are less susceptible to interference and clutter. However, they do have drawbacks, including lower resolution and accuracy, and an inability to measure the precise distance of the target. On the other hand, active infrared sensors offer several advantages, such as functioning effectively in low-light or dark environments, providing higher resolution and accuracy, and enabling measurement of the exact distance to the target. Nonetheless, active sensors demand more power and generate more noise. The distance measuring sensors employed in this lab necessitate high accuracy in measurement and are active sensors.

Several experiments were taken to test the sensitivity of the ToF sensors to colors and texture of the target. The targets with varying materials were placed at 30cm away from the ToF sensor. The experiment scenarios and measurement results are shown in the following figures. It was found that the ToF sensor can correctly measure the target regardless of the color. However, measuring a fur target with an unsmooth surface produced higher error than the other texture.

Fig 9: ToF measurements for different color and texture

Lab 4: Motors and Open Loop Control


There are two motors on a car, each motor controls two wheels on the same side of the car. In order to control the motors spinning at a high speed, two output pins on a motor driver should be connected in parallel and are driven by the same input signal so that the driving current available for each motor is increased. The pins used for control on the Artemis should be able to generate analog PWM signals. In the lab, pins 4, 5, 12, and 13 were used to control the input signals (AIN and BIN) on the motor drivers DRV8833. And the output of the motor drivers were connected to the motors. An illustration of the motor connections are shown in Fig 1.

Fig 1: Connection Diagram

The batteries used for powering the Artemis board and the motors should be separated to prevent the noise generated from the motors to interfere with the Artemis. In this design, a 3.7V 650mAh battery is used to power up the Artemis, and a 3.7V 850mAh battery is used to power up the motor drivers. These devices should be common grounded.

Test the Motor Drivers

The Vin and GND pins on a motor driver should first be connected to a power supply instead of a battery for better debugging. The motor driver DRV8833 functions under 2.7V to 10.8V voltage supply. Since the battery used to drive the motor drivers produces 3.7V, this voltage level is set up for the power supply. The current compliance of the power supply was adjusted to 2A to prevent voltage drop when the motors were spinning.

analogWrite(pin, value) takes a value between 0 and 255, and generates a PWM wave to the pin. The value determines the duty cycle of the PWM wave, and thus the spinning speed of the motor. By setting pin4 to low and writing pin5 to a PWM signal, the motor driver output could generate another PWM wave and control the motor to spin in one direction. A code snippet is shown below.

A motor driver was connected to Artemis and power supply, and an oscilloscope was used to monitor the input and output signals of the motor driver. The photo of the setup is shown in Fig 2, and the oscilloscope measurement is shown in Fig 3.

Fig 2: Setp with power suppy and oscilloscope hookup

Fig 3: Oscilloscope measurement

In Fig 3, the CH1 yellow signal represents the input signal (from pin 5) to the motor driver, and the CH2 blue signal represents the output signal from the motor driver. As it can be seen, by setting the value to 100 in ‘analogWrite’, a PWM signal with duty cycle less than 50% could be generated. The input signal is from Artemis and takes 3.3V logic. The output signal also has the same duty cycle but with a higher voltage level.

Next, connect the AOUT and BOUT pins from one motor driver to a motor and run the code above. Both wheels on one side should spin in one direction. A recording of wheels spinning as expected is shown below.

Install the Car

Repeat the soldering process for the other motor and motor driver. And connect the 850nAh battery to drive both motors. Fig 4 is a picture of all the components secured in the car. Run the following code snippet to test the functionality of both motors. And a recording is shown below.

Fig 4: The robot car

Lower limit PWM value discussion

The lower limit of the PWM value should be found to understand its range, and the PWM values to the motor driver should not be set below this threshold in future labs. After a few experiments, it was found that the lower limit lies between 24 and 26 for both motors to drive forward. The following video demonstrates when controlling the car to first move forward with value 24, and then move backward with value 26. It could be seen that the car didn’t move under 24 and could move under 26.

Calibration demonstration

The motors may not have the same torque output even when they are controlled by the same PWM. Therefore, a calibration factor is necessary to drive the car in a straight line. As it could be observed from the previous video that the car would turn left when both motors were controlled by the same PWM waves. This means that the motor on the right spins faster. After several experiments, it was found that the car could move in a straight line when the left value is 1.07 times larger than the right value.

5000-level Tasks: analogWrite frequency

The frequency analogWrite generates is about 220Hz (as shown in Fig ). As has been tested in this lab, at this frequency, the motor speed could be controlled smoothly by changing the PWM duty cycle.The sampling rate of IMU data (in lab 2) is 139.1Hz, and the sampling rate of ToF sensors (in lab 3) is around 18Hz. Since the PWM frequency is higher than the sensor sampling rate, the motor could theoretically react fast enough based on the sensor data. Therefore, this frequency is adequately fast for these motors. There is a way to manually configure the timers so that a faster PWM signal could be generated, this could help maneuver the motors faster over more extreme conditions.

5000-level Tasks: lowest PWM value discussion

To find the lowest PWM value to keep the robot running once it is in motion (forward and turns), a more systematic approach was attempted. The initial PWM value was set to 20, and the left motor would first be controlled to first go straight and then turn left or right. After these two motions, the blue LED on the Artemis would blink twice, and then the value would increase by two. According to previous calibration results, the value to control the left motor was also scaled by a factor of 1.07 with respect to the right motor. The experiment is shown in the following video. When the PWM value was 42 on the right and 44 on the left, the robot could keep its motion in the straight line. When the PWM value was 44 on the left.

Lab 5: Linear PID control and Linear interpolation


The time stamped ToF data and motor PWM value should be sent over bluetooth so that it can help debugging during adjusting the PID controller. Furthermore, logged data from IMU were also recorded for future labs. When a command is sent over bluetooth to start the PID testing, a loop would run for 8 seconds and all data was recorded in a 2D array. The arduino code for storing data into an array is shown in Fig 1. The Artemis would first check if data from IMU and ToF sensors are ready, and call function ‘recordData()’ to store them into dataArr[][] if they are. The loop will not be stalled if data is not ready.

Fig 1: Arduino code for recording sensor readings

The Arduino and python code for sending data over bluetooth is shown in Fig 2.

Fig 2: Arduino and python code for sending data over bluetooth

Range/Sampling time discussion

Theoretically, the ToF sensors can measure up to 4 m in the long distance mode. To measure how fast a basic loop can run and the sampling time, the following code was written (in Fig 3), and the results are shown in Fig 4. It was found that a control loop could run every 4 to 7 milliseconds, and the sensor data were recorded every 97 milliseconds. That is, the PID control frequency is around 180Hz, and the sampling frequency is around 10Hz. However, since the RAM is enough for all the data, the sensor data would be stored every time the control loop runs in the future steps. That is, the dataArr would store the same ToF data from the last measurement if the ToF sensor is not ready.

Fig 3: Arduino code for measuring control and sample rate

Fig 4:Control and sample time results

PID control discussion and demonstration

The ToF sensors can measure up to 4000 mm, and the desired distance between the robot and the wall is 304 mm. The minimum PWM value for the robot to move is around 31, and the upper PWM limit was set to be 91. To spread the PWM value over all the possible distance, the Kp could be calculated as:

The proportional controller Kp represents how fast the robot should move based on the distance between current position and target position. The larger Kp is, the robot would move faster towards the target, and possibly create larger overshoot and oscillation. The Kp value could start testing from 0.06 and observe results. However, it was found that Kp = 0.06 is too large a value for the robot, the robot has too large an overshoot and hit the wall, after several adjustments, it was found that Kp = 0.015 yields better results.

Next was adjusting the Kd value. The derivative controller can estimate the future trend of the distance error by comparing the current error and past error. The larger the Kd term is, the better control over damping and overshoot would be. After several iterations, it was found that when the robot was placed 1.5 meters away from the wall and used a PD controller with parameters Kp = 0.015 and Kd = 100, there was almost no damping.

Fig 5

The integral controller Ki could help eliminate residual error by integrating all the past errors. As shown in Fig 5, there is a small steady state error between the robot and the target. After properly adjusting Ki, this error should be eliminated. After several attempts, it was found that a very small value Ki = 0.0001 is enough to eliminate this error. The PID controller code is shown in Fig 6. A demonstration of the result is shown in Fig 7 (Kp = 0.015, Ki = 0.0001, Kd = 100).

Fig 6: The PID controller code

Fig 7: Conservative PID controller

As shown in the video above, the robot moves very slowly towards the target. A more aggressive controller using a larger Kp term was developed to increase its speed. However, the aggressive controller has larger overshoot and damping. A demonstration of the result is shown in Fig 8 (Kp = 0.03, Ki = 0.0001, Kd = 1000).

Fig 7: Aggresive PID controller


As shown in Fig 4, the sampling rate is around 10Hz, and the PID controller in the previous sections could only use old ToF data when the sensor is not ready to return the new measurement. This means that the PWM control over the motors is limited to 10 Hz using the previous method. Another method called extrapolation is used in this section. It calculates the slope based on the last two sensor readings, and estimates the current distance based on it. A demonstration of the extrapolation method is shown in Fig 9. A slope k would first be calculated based on posD1 and posD2 and their corresponding time, and then predict the currentPos based on the slope k. The arduino code for extrapolation is shown in Fig 10, and a demonstration is shown in the following video and Fig 11.

Fig 9: A illustration of the extrapolation method

Fig 10: The arduino code for extrapolation

Fig 11: Extrapolation

5000-Level task: Wind-up implementation and discussion

A wind-up protection for the integrator controller is necessary and was implemented as shown in line 268-269 in Fig6. This is because the distance error is very large at the beginning and the integral term could easily accumulate to a very large value over a very short time. This is dangerous especially when the integral value exceeds the maximum value an ‘int’ could be stored in Arduino, which is 32767. Without the wind-up protection, the robot's behavior would become random and uncontrollable within a few seconds of starting, once the integral error overflows.

Lab 6: Orientation PID control


In every PID control loop, the Artemis would check if IMU and ToF sensor measurements are ready and store relevant data into an 2D array ‘dataArr[][]’. In this lab, each P, I, and D terms for both straight and orientation control were stored into dataArr and sent over bluetooth for better PID adjustments. The yaw angle and the speed of left and right motors were also stored into ‘dataArr’. The Arduino code for storing data and the python notification handler code are shown in Fig 1.

Fig 1: Arduino and python code for sending data over bluetooth

PID Discussion

The objective of this lab is to control the robot at a preset angle through PID control. The yaw angle of the robot is calculated by the gyroscope from the IMU (shown in Fig 2). The first few measurements from IMU could sometimes be inaccurate and this error would accumulate to the yaw and cause the measurements to drift. Therefore in this lab, the first two yaw measurements were ignored. The difference between the current yaw angle and the target angle (defined as ‘OrienTarget’ in Fig 3) is calculated as the error signal in PID control. P term is proportional to this error, I term is the integral of this error over time, and D term is the rate of change of this error. Since the yaw angle was calculated from the integral of the gyroscope measurement, the D term could also be deduced directly from the gyroscope measurement ‘myICM.gyrZ()’. The calculated orientation error based on PID is then used as PWM difference for the motors on each side. For example, if the IMU detected that the robot orientation is left to the target angle, then the PID controller would control the left motor to rotate forward, and the right motor to rotate backward. A table that illustrates the relationship between PID result and the motor PWM control values are shown in Fig5.

Fig 2: Calculate the yaw angle

Fig 3: Orientation PID control code

Further on, we could combine the forward moving control PID implemented in lab 5 together with this orientation controller. The ‘ctrlBase’ PWM value is calculated based on the forward control PID result, and the ‘ctrlDiff’ PWM value is calculated based on the orientation PID result (shown in Fig 4. If the robot was going straight but deviated a bit to the right. Then the orientation PID controller would return a positive result, and decrease PWM value in the left motor and increase PWM value in the right motor.

Fig 4: Use PID results to control the speed of motors

Fig 5: Relationship between PID result and the motor PWM control values

As it has been discussed in Lab 5, the PID control frequency is around 180Hz, and the sampling frequency is around 10Hz. The PID adjustment principles are as described in Lab 5. The proportional term Kp can adjust rotation speed with respect to angle error; the integral term Ki can cancel the angle offset; and the derivative term can lower the damping of motion. After a few adjustments, it was found that when Kp = 10, Ki = 8, Kd = 1.5, the robot can control the orientation well. The corresponding data measurements and recorded video are shown below. The yaw angle is plotted on the left figure in Fig 6; the PID controller calculated error is plotted in the middle; and the PWM value for each motor is plotted on the right.

Fig 6: Orientation Control

Another experiment was performed to first maintain the robot position for 2 seconds, and then orient the robot for 90 degrees. The results are shown in Fig 7.

Fig 7: control the robot to turn right by 90 degrees

The orientation controller was also combined with the distance controller, and the code is shown in Fig8. To test this new controller, another function was designed to first control the robot to move straight without orientation for two seconds and then turn right by 180 degrees. The corresponding data measurements and recorded video are shown below.

Fig8: Go straight and orient

5000-Level task: Wind-up implementation and discussion

A wind-up protection for the integrator is needed for PID control. The integrator sums up the past error. And without wind-up protection, the error that was ‘memorized’ by the integrator would be too much and takes up a long time to eliminate even if the robot is in the right position. A demonstration of the robot with or withour windup protection is shown in Fig 9. As shown in Fig 9, with wind-up protection, the integrator could correct the robot to the right position after a few seconds. In Fig 10, it can be observed that the integrator term without wind-up would instead contest the proportional controller, which is controlling the robot in the right direction.

Fig 9: Integrator with wind-up

Fig 9: Integrator without wind-up

Lab 7: Kalman Filter

Initialize Kalman Filter Matrices

As described in the lecture, the steady-state speed and 90% rise time needs to be found to estimate the matrices for the Kalman Filter implementation. A unit step response was applied to the robot, controlling it to start from 0 speed and then drive in a straight line at maximum speed (as shown in Fig 1). The steady-state speed can be derived from ToF sensor measurements and the 90% rise time is the time it takes for the robot to rise from zero speed to that maximum speed. The PWM value for the maximum speed is 200, which is the maximum PWM value that the PID controller can generate. The speed in Fig 1 was calculated by a moving average function over every 7 data points.

Fig 1: Step Response of the Robot

As it can be derived from Fig 1, 90% rise time is 0.845s, and maximum speed is 2.417m/s. Therefore, the drag and momentum can be derived from the following equations:

Accordingly, the A B, and C matrices for the Kalman Filter could be derived as:

The sampling frequency of a ToF is around 10Hz, that is, one measurement every 100ms. In this lab, it was determined that the estimation rate of Kalman Filter to be 15ms in order to achieve fast control over the robot. Therefore, the discretized A B and C matrices could be calculated as:

As described in class, the ToF sensor measurement noise was around 𝜎z = 20mm, and the trust in modeled position could be based on the sample period of the Kalman Filter. That is, 𝜎x = sqrt(102/dt) = 81. Therefore, the noise variables could be calculated as:

Kalman Filter implementation in python

With the matrices and variables derived, Kalman Filter could be implemented in python code and test its functionality based on previously returned ToF sensor data. The python code for Kalman Filter implementation is shown in Fig 2, and the result is shown in Fig3. As it can be seen in Fig 3, the Kalman Filter estimation can correctly track and predict the robot position.

Fig 2: python code for Kalman Filter implementation

Fig 3: ToF sensor measurement and Kalman Filter estimation

Kalman Filter implementation in Artemis

The Kalman Filter algorithm was also combined with the PID control C code in the Artemis to achieve faster control over the robot. The Arduino code is shown in Fig4, and the corresponding PID control result is shown in Fig5. The Kalman Filter estimation can overall correctly track and predict the robot position. However, due to failing to correctly initialize the robot position variable “mu”, the first few sets of Kalman Filter estimation have a larger error.

Fig 4: Arduino code for Kalman Filter implementation

Fig 5: PID control with Kalman Filter on the robot

Lab 8: Stunt

Task B: Orientation Control

In this lab, the robot will be positioned far away from the wall and start driving towards it. The robot will turn 180 degrees and drive towards the opposite direction when the robot is less than 3 feet (914 mm) away from the wall. Both distance PID control and orientation PID control were implemented at the same time. The distance PID control takes the ToF sensor and controls the robot to drive towards the wall until it reaches 3ft, and the orientation PID control is also controlling the difference PWM value for motors on each side to sustain the robot driving in a straight line. When 3ft distance is reached, the orientation PID controller would control the robot to turn right by 180 degrees and then drive forward until it reaches the other side of the wall. The distance PID controller can set the PWM for both motors based on the ToF sensor readings, and the orientation controller can adjust the PWM difference between the motors on two sides based on the desired orientation angle.

Figure 1 shows the Arduino code that was used to achieve the stunt. The code in line 611 to 623 would control the robot to perform the stunt for ten seconds after the corresponding command was sent through bluetooth. It would constantly change target orientation angle based on the ToF sensor reading. The function ‘PIDctrl’ in line 959 to 1001 defines the distance and orientation PID control. And the PID controller's output is sent to the function ‘ctrlPadding’ in line 915 to 932. The function ‘ctrlPadding’ could calculate the PWM value for left and right motors based on the PID controllers output and assign them to the motors.

Fig 1: Artemis code for stunt

Figure 2 shows the recorded gyroscope, ToF readings, distance and orientation PID controller outputs, and the PWM values for left and right motors. In this stunt, the robot moved straight and then turned right for 4 times continuously. The corresponding recording is also shown below.

Fig 2: Stunt sensor readings and PID controller outputs

Lab 9: Mapping

In this lab, the robot was rotated at a small angular speed while collecting ToF data. The ToF sensor data and the corresponding angular position were used to map out a static room.

Control 3: Angular speed control

Another PID controller was created that maintains the robot to rotate at a stable angular speed by directly using the raw gyroscope value as input control. During mapping, the robot was controlled to rotate clockwise at an angular speed of 30 degrees per second. The Artemis code for angular speed PID control is shown in Figure 1. Data collected from ‘myICM.gryZ()’ denotes the current angular speed and would be compared with the target angular speed (30 degrees per second), and the difference between them was used as the error to the PID controller. Another consideration needs to be taken is that the raw data from the gyroscope is noisy and unstable. Therefore, a low pass filter should be used to process the data, otherwise there would be many outliers in the angular speed and cause the controller to oscillate based on noisy measurements. The low pass filter implementation is shown in code 672 - 673 in Figure 1 with LPF_a set as 0.7. The ToF sensor can take 8 to 9 readings every second. Therefore, the estimated degree difference between each measurement is 3.3 to 3.75.

Figure 1: Artemis code for mapping

Distance Reading and Merge the Plot

The robot was placed in each of the four marked positions in a static room (shown in Figure 2). The robot sensor readings when it’s placed in position (5, -3) are shown in Figure 3, and its corresponding motion is also demonstrated in the video below. As it can be seen that the robot is capable of rotating from 0 to 360 degrees clockwise at an angular speed of around 30 degrees per second.

Figure 2: Photo of the room

Figure 3: Robot sensor readings

The polar coordinate plots were obtained from the gyroscope yaw angle readings and the ToF distance sensor readings. And transformation matrices could be used to convert distance measurements in the polar plot into rectangular coordinates. The mappings in polar coordinates and in rectangular coordinates when mapping from each of the four positions in the room are shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Polar and rectangular plots measured in different positions

Figure 5: Final merged plot

Lab 10: ocalization using Bayes Filter (Simulation)


Localization of a robot is determining the localization of a robot based on its sensor measurements and actuator controls. There could be noise and inaccurate prediction during localization, and a Bayes Filter is a good approach to combine the robot’s actuator control and sensor measurements and produce the robot position with the highest possibility. A Bayes Filter illustration is shown in Figure 1. In the prediction step of the Bayes Filter, it will predict a new location based on actuator control and actuator noise. And in the update step, it will update its position based on the robot sensor measurements. With this Bayes Filter, the robot can calculate its positions and the probability that the robot is indeed at that position.

Fig 1: Bayes Filter Illustration

In this lab, a python simulation is built up where the robot will localize a 12 feet by 9 feet room. The room is divided into many 1 by 1 feet cells, and the 360 degrees robot rotation is divided evenly into 18 shares. The robot position is represented as (x, y, θ). That is, the total number of cells along each axis are (12, 9, 18). And the robot can have a total of 1944 poses.

Implementation of the Bayes Filter

The function ‘computer_control’ can be used to calculate control information based on its previous and current position from the odometry motion model (introduced in the next section). The robot positions, x, y, and theta, and the transition between them can be illustrated in Fig 2. And their calculator steps are shown in Fig 3.

Fig 2: Robot position translation and rotation

Fig 3: Compute Control function

The function ‘odom_motion_model’ (shown in Fig 4) can be used to calculate the probability of the robot based on the control results. Firstly, calculate the robot translation values (which are the result of robot actuators control) from the ‘compute_control’ function. Secondly, compute the probability that the robot can move to this position due to this control command based on a Gaussian distribution whose mean is the robot expected motion.

Fig 4: Odometry Motion Model function

The function ‘prediction_step’ (shown in Fig 5) can predict a new location for the Bayes Filter based on actuator control and actuator noise, which can combine the previous two functions. This function can loop through all the 1944 robot states and produce the robot position state that the robot is most likely to be after a control command. All the previous positions with a possibility that is less than 0.0001 will not be considered as the robot’s next position.

Fig 5: Prediction Step function

The function ‘sensor_model” (shown in Fig 6) can be used to compare the robot’s sensor measurements and the measurements the robot should produce based on its predicted position. This function can return a probability array of the robot distance measurements in each of the 18 rotation states.

Fig 6: Sensor Model function

The function ‘update_step()’ (shown in Fig 7) can be used to update the brief distribution. All the robot 1944 possible position states can be looped through to the first call function ‘sensor_model’ to produce a probability array. And then, update the prediction by multiplying this probability array with the predicted position calculated in the prediction step. The resulting updated probability should be normalized so that the array can give a total of 1.

Fig 7: Update Step function

Simulation Result

The Bayes Filter implemented in the previous section is then used in a python simulator, where a robot moves through a simulator room while rotating for 360 degrees. The resulting graph is shown in Fig 8. The green line represents the robot's actual positions and movements; the blue line represents the robot's predicted position and movements from the Bayes Filter; the red line represents the odometry readings. As shown in Fig 8, the robot's actual and predicted position can basically align with one another.

Fig 8: Locolization through Bayes Filter Simulation Result

Lab 11: Localization on the real robot

Test Localization in Simulation

As detailed in lab 10, a 12 by 9 feet room was divided into many 1 by 1 feet cells, and x, y, theta are used to represent different robot positions and poses in the room. Firstly, a python simulation was performed to guarantee that the simulated room environment is valid for later use. The simulation result is shown in Fig 1.

Localization with the robot

To perform localization in a real robot, 360 degrees of robot rotations is divided into 18 shares. And the robot needs ToF sensor readings taken at 20 degree increment, and combine the readings with Bayes filter to estimate the position of the robot in the room. The robot was placed in one of the four marked poses to perform localization. It was programmed to rotate clockwise and collect a ToF sensor reading every 20 degrees. The robot rotation control was using PID instead of using angular speed control in lab 9. The Artemis code for this implementation is shown in Fig 2.

Fig 2: Artemis code for localization

The code in Fig 3 implements the communication between the robot and python simulation environment. The function can send bluetooth commands to the robot to start rotation and receive measurement data. After the measurements are complete, an update step of the Bayes Filter would be run in python to estimate the position of the robot within a room. The estimation result (blue point) and the robot's actual position (green dot) when the robot was placed in one of the four marked positions are shown in Fig 4, 5, 6, and 7.

Fig 3: Python command

Fig 4: Bayes estimation (blue) and robot actual position (green) at waypoint (-3, -2)

Fig 5: Bayes estimation (blue) and robot actual position (green) at waypoint (0, 3)

Fig6: Bayes estimation (blue) and robot actual position (green) at waypoint (5, 3)

Fig7: Bayes estimation (blue) and robot actual position (green) at waypoint (5, -3)

At waypoint (-3, -2) and (5, -3), the Bayes estimation perfectly aligns with the robot's true position.